Discovering life as a mom one day at a time!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Fabulous Five

My darling diva just turned five years old on Sunday.  She was a real champ, with only a few tiny meltdowns. (It's a lot of work being on all day!)   The sweetest thing she did was early in the day, before the rest of the fest started..."Mama," she said walking closer to me, "do I look, uh, bigger to you now that I'm five?"  I told her that, in fact, she did look bigger to me.  It's rather bittersweet that she gets bigger, almost by the day.  Or by the hour, sometimes.  Gabe will be four in February, I feel myself clinging more and more.  Yikes, they made this mama a little on the emotional side, right?!

Cheers to you, moms!

1 comment:

  1. They grow-up too fast! Its a good thing you are noticing them while they do. Some parents have a hard time paying attention to their children then its too late and they are grown. <3 Happy belated birthday <3
