Discovering life as a mom one day at a time!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Balancing Act

It's summer vacation time, which basically means I'm doing more but getting less done! Haha! With both kids home, fighting betwixt themselves constantly, every chore seems to take ten times the energy to accomplish! Which translates to an extremely messy house and a grumpy mama!

Yes, this is one of those mornings when I already feel the epic fail of my day and it's just past seven! Hubby realized at six he had no clean work shirts, I have been to the supermarket twice this week and still had to feed the cat treats for breakfast and I really wish I would've just washed the spaghetti sauce out of the pot last night. Ugh.

Where is my silver lining, I ask myself? Well, it is only a bit past seven, and I get to see my (mostly) smiling babies all day long, we get to meet my girlfriend for a breakfast date and then take her to see the progress on our new home! Then I can come back to this current reality and do some packing in between loads of laundry! And dishes. And all those other things that always have to get done. While the kids are whining that "he keeps putting his feet on my blankie/face/ear..."

So, I'm going to take a deep breath and write down cat food and peanut butter on my shopping list! And I'm going to kiss my littles before they start grumping at me! It is a balancing act, this whole mom thing! But I love it!

Have a great summer day! Only 60-some left to go!

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