Discovering life as a mom one day at a time!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

This Might Take Me Out

My babes have always loved me swimming with them.  I even wear a cute, modern-retro halter one piece, conservative yet stylish.  Each year I've noticed a little gap widening between them and me...a bit more water for me, a wider swath of freedom for them, I guess.

Monday changed all that.  I found myself doing arm and leg circles against the wall at the 4-foot ladder, surrounded by water and other people's children.  Mine had hugged and splashed and front-flipped with goggles for a few brief moments, then vanished to the outer edges of my periphery.  This changes everything, I thought.  I'm never going back from this. 

It is a weird moment for my mom brain to compute.  I am tearing up a bit, but I also feel that stretch for independence for myself every now and then.  Even if I'm not ready for it, obviously it's here.  Well, obvious in that painful, I just figured it out because all the other moms are giving me "that look" from above their magazines in their lounge chairs.  I do have Cosmo in my bag...

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