Discovering life as a mom one day at a time!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Resolved: Finding Patience

Ok, so most of us make resolutions when we hit the new year, even if we say we don't. I don't really like to label them as such, so as not to successfully set myself up for failure! (Awkward sentence! Meh!)

As the mom of two young children, I definitely struggle with keeping an ample supply of patience on hand, though I am always fully stocked with love! So my resolution as a parent this year is to stay focused on parenting with love, kindness and yes, patience.

We really only get one chance at raising our children, but if we are lucky, we all get a fresh start each morning. I want to make the most of each day with my kids, and I don't want to be losing my cool when things don't go perfectly.

Do you have any parenting goals/resolutions for this new year? Share below!

Cheers to taking each year one day at a time!

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